Automatic Enrolment Pension Can Help Save Money for Retirement

In 2008 in the UK, the Pensions Act 2008 was passed requiring employers in the UK to place certain staff members and employees into the pension scheme outlined in the legislation. The scheme is called Automatic Enrollment, and the employers are required to participate in the funding of the plan.

It does not matter the size of the employer, whether there are thousands of eligible employees, or just one, the employer is required to comply. Hairdressers, solicitors, barbers, restaurants and all other employers will be involved in the UK automatic enrolment pension endeavor.

There is a minimum requirement of an amount of money that needs to be contributed. The total contribution must be at least a minimum of 2% of wages, with the employer contributing a minimum of 1%. If the pay system is automatic, then the payment must be made by the 22nd of the following month, or by the 19th of the following month if the payment is made by cheque.


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The employer has to keep good records of all transactions such as employee name, amount of contributions, and the dates that the contributions were made. This is simply to be able to coordinate records in an ongoing basis, so that if there are any questions or issues moving forward, they can be properly addressed.

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The reason for the implementation of the Pensions Act of 2008 was because it was determined that people were not planning ahead in a sufficient manner in order to provide for their eventual retirement.

At the rate that people were setting aside anything for that purpose it was obvious that many individuals would have to be depending upon charity or the government for their existence when their time came to stop working.

Each employer has a staging date, which started for existing employers on April 1, 2012. Employers who go into business after that date will be given a staging date, which marks the beginning of their individual date with the government.

Employers will be given their own PAYE reference number for the purpose of identification and reference with their plan.

If an employer fails to comply, there are penalties that can apply as well as court actions if the non-compliance becomes quite delinquent. The purpose of the department, however is to work with employers in an attempt to bridge any misunderstanding and to help them to get their plan underway.

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The vast majority of employers do want to do the correct thing, and the response has been very positive from among the ranks of both the employers and the employees. The employees are receiving a very advantageous method of accumulating money for retirement, as the contribution by the employer is free money for them.

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By utilising an automatic enrolment pension method of funding, employees are guaranteed sums of money that will be available to them at the time of retirement. This will enhance everyone’s financial well-being, as well as creating a solid economy as a whole when retirement time comes to participating individuals.

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